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Keto Chocolate Chip Treats are the sacred goal of keto treats.

I made these keto treats in light of the fact that my significant other requested that I make her treats. The standard around my home is on the off chance that I cook it, at that point I would do well to have the option to attempt it.

I recollected that I had a pack of Lily's Chocolate Chips in the cooler that I had gotten at a bargain half a month back.

I conceptualized and after two formula preliminaries I had the option to make a delicate and chewy Keto Chocolate Chip Treats that the entire family cherished.

Keto Chocolate Chip Treats! These keto treats are delicate and chewy and low carb. These treats are .4 carbs per treat! Make some Keto Chocolate Chip Treats for your low carb family since they merit keto treats!


It is significant so as to keep up my keto way of life that I made these keto treats low carb.

This keto chocolate chip treat formula makes 24 treats or two dozen.

Each keto treat is just .4 net carbs which is ideal for a keto diet.

Keto Chocolate Chip Treats! These keto treats are delicate and chewy and low carb. These treats are .4 carbs per treat! Make some Keto Chocolate Chip Treats for your low carb family since they merit keto treats!

What Sort of Flour do you use to make Keto Treats?

I use Coconut flour to make my keto treats. Coconut flour is slight carby-er than almond flour anyway I love the smooth surface that coconut flour adds to treats.

How would you make Chewy Keto Treats?

The mystery fixing in these treats is the additional gelatin. I use Knox Brand gelatin to make my keto treats delicate and chewy. This enables the treats to hold together and doesn't include any taste.

These Keto Chocolate Chip treats are delicate and chewy. Make some delicate keto treats for somebody who is eating a low carb diet that you love. Eating the keto diet can be simple when you make yourself some keto treats!

What is the best sugar for keto treats?

My preferred zero carb sugar to utilize is Brilliant Priest Natural product. This sugar is a mix of Erythritol and Priest Organic product.

It tastes fundamentally the same as dark colored sugar. I utilize Brilliant Priest organic product in the majority of my keto treats and cake plans. (PS use code OMGKETO15 to spare 15% off sitewide!)

Keto Chocolate Chip Treats! These keto treats are delicate and chewy and low carb. These treats are .4 carbs per treat! Make some Keto Chocolate Chip Treats for your low carb family since they merit keto treats!

Low Carb Chocolate

The most significant piece of Keto Chocolate Chip treats are the Chocolate Chips.

There are a few way's you could utilize keto chocolate in these treats.

I utilized Lily's dull chocolate contributes this keto treat formula.

These Keto Chocolate Chip treats are delicate and chewy. Make some delicate keto treats for somebody who is eating a low carb diet that you love. Eating the keto diet can be simple when you make yourself some keto treats!

Another approach to add low carb chocolate to these treats could be to generally slash a bar of chocolate from Kiss my Keto.

My most loved mct oil injected keto chocolate bar Pumpkin Seed Chocolate would be immaculate right now to the low carbs the bar contains. (PS-use code OMGKETOKMK10 to spare 10% off! since I know, I have a coupon for everything!)

These Keto Chocolate Chip treats are delicate and chewy. Make some delicate keto treats for somebody who is eating a low carb diet that you love. Eating the keto diet can be simple when you make yourself some keto treats!

KETO Treats THAT Movement WELL

These Keto Chocolate Chip Treats make a trip very well because of their size.

They store effectively in the cooler until prepared.

I toss some keto treats into my girl's lunch sack since it fulfills her.

It likewise satisfies me when I put then in my lunch sack as well!


5 Tbs Coconut Flour

6 TBS Margarine enhanced Coconut Oil or spread

1/2 cup Brilliant Priest Organic product (OMGKETO15 spare 15%

3 Medium eggs

1 Parcel Unflavored gelatin

1/2 TBS Vanilla Concentrate

1/4 Tsp Salt (to taste

32 g Lily's Dim Chocolate Chips

1 Tsp Heating Powder

1/2 TBS Margarine remove (Discretionary)


Preheat the broiler to 350 degrees and spot a silpat or material paper on a treat sheet. Next, measure into a medium estimated bowl the margarine or coconut oil, sugar, and concentrate. "Cream" the fixings together with a hand blender until consolidated. Add the eggs to the bowl and consolidate utilizing the hand blender.

Include the coconut flour, preparing powder, salt, and gelatin to the bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until joined. Include the Chocolate Chips, taste one yourself. Your greeting

Roll the treat batter in the middle of the palms of your hands into 24 balls around 2 creeps in distance across. Spot the treat balls on the silpat and press delicately with the rear of an estimating cup and squish them just somewhat. Prepare the treats in the stove at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes at that point move the treats on to a cooling rack. Freeze and defrost later or eat them when they have cooled. These treats taste best after they have cooled.