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Keto Condensed Milk

Life is better, and better, with dense milk! Envision what you can make with it: flan, custard, dulce de leche – the conceivable outcomes are unfathomable! Trust me, it's on a par with the genuine article.

I utilized creamer of allulose and erythritol. You may modify the sweetness as indicated by your inclination.

THE Planning

433 grams substantial whipping cream, around 15 ounces

28 grams salted margarine, around 2 tablespoons

85 grams allulose, around 3 ounces

85 grams granulated erythritol, around 3 ounces


1. Dump all the fixings in an enormous, shallow, skillet. The bigger the outside of the skillet, the quicker the milk will consolidate or lessen.

2. Over medium-high warmth, heat to the point of boiling.

3. Lessen warmth to medium-low and stew until consolidated significantly, mixing now and then to forestall singing. It will take around 15-20 minutes. You will see that as your milk consolidates the shading will change from white to grayish, to a light brilliant shading. You need moderate, practically calm air pockets as you lessen your blend.

4. Realizing when to stop is dubious. At the point when you begin to see that the milk covers your spatula, however dribbles off easily, you realize that you are nearly there. Give it an additional 5 minutes, mix, at that point expel from heat. The milk will keep on thickening as it cools. Make a point to mix from time to time to homogenize the blend. Search for thick and gooey. You know you're at the correct spot when your milk covers the rear of your spoon and doesn't trickle — or it takes a decent measure of licking to get it off your finger!

This fills a one-16 ounces artisan container. Makes a sum of 503 g (17 oz) or 30 servings (1 tbsp) of Keto Dense Milk. Each serving turns out to be 56.77 Calories, 5.96g Fats, 0.54g Net Carbs, and 0.42g Protein.

The Arrangement

433 g overwhelming whipping cream, around 15 ounces

28 g salted spread, around 2 tablespoons

85 g allulose, around 3 ounces

85 g granulated erythritol, around 3 ounces

The Execution

Dump all the fixings in a huge, shallow, skillet. The bigger the outside of the skillet, the quicker the milk will gather or lessen.

Over medium-high warmth, heat to the point of boiling.

Decrease warmth to medium-low and stew until dense significantly, mixing from time to time to forestall burning. It will take around 15-20 minutes. You will see that as your milk consolidates the shading will change from white, to grayish, to a light brilliant shading. You need moderate, practically calm air pockets as you decrease your blend.

Realizing when to stop is precarious. At the point when you begin to see that the milk covers your spatula, however trickles off easily, you realize that you are nearly there. Give it an additional 5 minutes, mix, at that point expel from heat. The milk will keep on thickening as it cools. Make a point to mix now and then to homogenize the blend. Search for thick and gooey. You know you're at the perfect spot when your milk covers the rear of your spoon and doesn't trickle - or it takes a decent measure of licking to get it off your finger!