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On the off chance that you need comfort nourishments, look no farther than this Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie Formula! This will absolutely wow your family, and will fulfill your desires. So much flavor thus simple to make!

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will adore! A delectable solace nourishment formula everybody cherishes! It's an incredible formula for your keto menu plan!

Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie Formula

Yesterday was an inauspicious day around here. It was stormy and all I needed for supper was a solace nourishment. I had endeavored a Keto Chicken Pot Pie two or three weeks back, however the outside simply didn't turn out as I had trusted. I had spread it out like you would a typical chicken pot pie, yet coconut flour is incredibly retentive so it dried out the filling. As a blogger at times we make plans on various occasions to get it on the money. In this way, the previous evening was Keto Chicken Pot Pie take two.

Rather than spreading out the hull I cautiously dolloped it on top by spoonfuls so it wouldn't ingest a lot of the filling. I just incorporated a portion of a cup of blended veggies so it would feel like chicken pot pie; be that as it may, you could substitute with green beans or asparagus to additionally diminish the carb content. By the by, we think it turned out yummy!

Tips for Making Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie

In the event that you have the opportunity to cook chicken in the moderate cooker, you could utilize a rotisserie chicken from the market. I for one love polishing off this Keto Chicken Pot Pie in a cast iron skillet. I don't have a clue whether it's since I'm a southern young lady however I think cast iron makes it a great deal more tasty. My whole family thought it was delish! My multi year old adored her chicken and bread rolls and continued requesting progressively green balls (peas).

On the off chance that you are simply beginning after a keto diet and might want more data, there are huge amounts of incredible assets. Amazon has a few phenomenal books you might need to look at here.

Instructions to Make the Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie

I've incorporated a few pictures underneath as a bit by bit instructional exercise that may be useful. Make certain to look underneath the pics for the printable variant of the formula.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will adore! A heavenly solace nourishment formula everybody cherishes! It's an incredible formula for your keto menu plan!

I love utilizing my moderate cooker or Moment Pot for making the chicken ahead of time. You can generally snatch a rotisserie chicken in the event that you like. Both are extraordinary alternatives for this formula.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will adore! A heavenly solace nourishment formula everybody adores! It's an incredible formula for your keto menu plan!

Since I utilize such a limited quantity of blended vegetables right now, carb exclude is negligible when spread over bits. You could generally sub in other lower carb vegetables in the event that you like.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will cherish! A delectable solace nourishment formula everybody adores! It's an extraordinary formula for your keto menu plan!

The rich sauce is the thing that brings the most flavor, and this is excessively simple to make when stacked with margarine and flavors.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will cherish! A tasty solace nourishment formula everybody adores! It's an extraordinary formula for your keto menu plan!

Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie

Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie

Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie

Shaping the outside layer worked best when I just dropped it onto the highest point of different fixings instead of turning it out like an increasingly customary pie hull.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will cherish! A delectable solace nourishment formula everybody cherishes! It's an extraordinary formula for your keto menu plan!

The destroyed cheddar right now incredible flavor, yet in addition takes into account that ideal sautéing you need on the highest point of your outside layer.

Make our Keto Low Carb Chicken Pot Pie as an ideal solace nourishment formula that everybody in your home will cherish! A heavenly solace nourishment formula everybody cherishes! It's an extraordinary formula for your keto menu plan!

More Keto Plans

In the event that you aren't as of now following my Simple Keto/Low Carb Formula Page on Facebook where I post all my new plans, you can join here and tail me on Pinterest here. For a greater amount of our incredible plans, look at my Keto Formula List. The following are my preferred chicken plans you'll adore!

For the Chicken Pot Pie Filling:
2 tablespoons of spread
1/2 cup blended veggies could likewise substitute green beans or broccoli
1/4 little onion diced
1/4 tsp pink salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 garlic cloves minced
3/4 cup overwhelming whipping cream
1 cup chicken stock
1 tsp poultry flavoring
1/4 tsp rosemary

squeeze thyme

2 1/2 cups cooked chicken diced

1/4 tsp Thickener

For the covering:

4 1/2 tablespoons of spread softened and cooled

1/3 cup coconut flour

2 tablespoons full fat harsh cream

4 eggs

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon heating powder

1 cup mellow cheddar, ground

1/3 cup Mozzarella Cheddar, ground

1/2 tsp parsley (to sprinkle on top)


Cook 1 to 1/2 lbs chicken in the moderate cooker for 3 hours on high or 6 hours on low.

Preheat broiler to 400 degrees.

Sautee onion, blended veggies, garlic cloves, salt, and pepper in 2 tablespoons margarine in a broiler safe skillet for approx 5 min or until onions are translucent.

Include substantial whipping cream, chicken juices, poultry flavoring, thyme, and rosemary.

Sprinkle Thickener on top and stew for 5 minutes with the goal that the sauce thickens. Make a point to stew secured as the fluid will dissipate something else. You need a ton of fluid for this formula, else, it will be dry.

Include diced chicken.

Make the breading by joining softened margarine (I cool mine by popping the bowl in the ice chest for 5 min), eggs, salt, and sharp cream in a bowl at that point whisk together.

Include coconut flour and preparing powder to the blend and mix until joined.

Mix in cheddar.

Drop hitter by bits on the chicken pot pie. Try not to spread it out, as the coconut flour will ingest a lot of the fluid.

Prepare in a 400-degree broiler for 15-20 min.

Set stove to cook and move chicken pot pie to top rack. Cook for 1-2 minutes until bread besting is pleasantly sautéed. Sprinkle dried parsley on top.