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Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting

These Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting!!

These cupcakes excite me greatly.


Expect lots of exclamation point throughout the post. Sorry in advance, but I just cannot help it.

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting | halfbakedharvest.com
So, Pecan Pie.

How do you guys feel about it? Love it? Hate it? Want pumpkin instead?

I am a pecan pie lover all the way, of course it has to be a chocolate pecan pie. It’s what I grew up on, and also what I look forward to every holiday season.

My mom never did pumpkin pie. Remember, she is an all chocolate, all the time, kind of girl. This meant, I used to view desserts the way she does. Chocolate everything and nothing a shade lighter than milk chocolate in its lightest form. Ok, there may be a few exceptions, like crepes, but even then, they have to be filled with things like chocolate ice cream. I really am having a hard time thinking of anything else, maybe a frosted sugar cookie at Christmastime.

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting | halfbakedharvest.com
I mean, up until a few weeks ago when I made these Pumpkin Pie Oreos I had never had pumpkin pie anything.

Guys, I loved those Oreos, but these cupcakes are really where it’s at. I guess the hard-core chocolate lover that my mom has forever ingrained into me can never stray too far from the classics I grew up loving.

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting | halfbakedharvest.com
I have always said that my mom’s Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pies are one of my all time favorites.

The gooey filling gets me every single time.

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting | halfbakedharvest.com
There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of things I really want to make between now and December twenty-fifth, but I knew that I had to create a pecan pie cupcake for Thanksgiving.

So I am declaring this my very first (official) Thanksgiving recipe. I thought it was a pretty good one to start out with.

Well, that and the fact that I have been so focused on these cupcake that I really have not thought up any other Thanksgiving recipes. All the bourbon, chocolate, pecan and general gooeiness of these cupcakes has been clouding my brain for weeks.

I promise, I’ll start thinking savory soon. I think. I hope.

Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie Cupcakes with Butter Pecan Frosting | halfbakedharvest.com
These are obviously not the simplest cupcakes around. They take a little Thanksgiving love and time, but there is nothing complicated about them. First, there is the chocolate bourbon cupcake that calls for a whole cup of bourbon. I know that sounds like a lot, but you guys these are some of the best cupcakes ever. SO moist, SO much flavor. Then there is the pecan pie filling. I used my mom’s recipe, but cooked it on the stove to thicken it so I could then stuff it in the center of each cupcake. Finally, the butter pecan frosting. Honestly, it is the best topper to the cupcakes. It’s perfectly sweet and stuffed with bourbon glazed roasted pecans.

Oh my gooosssh. SO amazing.

So they may take some time, but really, it is becoming the holiday season, and to me that means spending lots of time in the kitchen. Hopefully, yours is warm and cozy. Mine is kind of cold sometimes in the mornings, but normally by the end of the day it’s nice and toasty!

So it only makes sense that the kitchen is also the place to create amazing holiday food!

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