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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

It’s about time for another cookie dough dessert.  My obsession with cookie dough continues with cupcakes.  I’m sure my fellow cookie-dough lovers can relate.  Today, I give you:  Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
There are more than a few folks who have whipped up a version of Cookie Dough Cupcakes.  My friend Cheryl has shared a fabulous version using a chocolate chip cupcake for the base.  And I’m drooling over the beautiful Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes that my friend Amanda shared too in fancy wrappers and all.  This is a cupcake flavor that is simply irresistible to make.

Chocolate Cupcakes
This recipe is for 12 cupcakes.  If you want 24, just go ahead and double everything.  I went with a chocolate cupcake batter.  The batter is whipped up in the blender, a genius idea from Abby Dodge.

Chocolate Chip Cookie dough
Egg-free chocolate chip cookie dough is mixed up, scooped into cookie dough balls and FROZEN.  The freezing will help the cookie dough STAY COOKIE DOUGH during the baking process.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes ready for the oven
If you’d prefer to bake your cookie dough a little bit, let the cookie dough peek out the top of the batter like this.  The top of the cookie dough will bake into a cookie-like texture, while the bottom will stay more cookie dough-like.  If you’d rather have more of a raw cookie dough in there, poke the dough underneath the batter.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes out of the oven
I made mine so they baked up half and half- a little baked cookie on top and doughy underneath.

Frosting Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
The frosting is an absolutely amazing-tasting cookie dough frosting!!  No kidding.  It’s addicting and yummy.   I used Tidy Mom’s recipe for the frosting- again, no egg.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
And of course you need some mini chocolate chip cookies and mini chips as garnish too.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes garnished with a chocolate chip cookie
I tend to get a little out of control with cookie dough, so anything resembling cookie dough is far too dangerous to have around my house.  I ate a sample cupcake and then I shared them with Recipe Girl Cookbook photographer Matt and his fabulous team when I visited his studio for the cookbook shoot last week.  They had plenty of food lying around from the shoot, but I’m pretty sure they managed to eat these too.  These cupcakes are not going to be in the cookbook, but they’re good nonetheless.

If you’re a crazed cookie dough fan like me, you simply must try them.

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