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Lemon Angel Food Cupcakes with Raspberry Buttercream news

Light and airy lemon angel food cupcakes are topped with a seriously delicious fresh raspberry buttercream. Perfect for a summer party or baby shower!

It’s spring! It’s really, really spring!

Proof: tulips coming up in my garden. Strawberries are not priced at $18/pint. There was corn on the cob at the grocery store. Corn on the cob!

Can you tell I’m excited? I don’t know about you, but this has been the longest, coldest most bitterly awful winter ever. I am so done with cold weather and snow {do you hear that, Mother Nature?}

So I am mentally and culinarily {that’s totally a word, right?} moving on from all things cold and winter.

And I’m celebrating with angel food cupcakes.

I was initially intimidated by angel food cake. I have some vague recollection of making one when I was 12 or so. I think it was for my cat’s birthday. Oh gosh, did I just admit that?

Well. That angel food cake wasn’t such a success…it somehow deflated and turned from a fluffy, light cake to a dense, chewy thing. Poor Boots.

I thought it was worth another try though…because when angel food cake goes right, it goes so right!

Lemon Angel Food Cupcakes with Raspberry Buttercream | Sweet Peas & Saffron

Ohmygosh these cupcakes went so right…{well, after a few recipe revisions to remedy a sticky, eggy cupcake and then a wonderfully tasting but broken buttercream. Le sigh}.

The recipe I have for you here today is spring in the form of a cupcake. The light, sweet, fluffy angel food cupcakes have a lemon zing from the lemon zest I added. And the raspberry buttercream frosting…gah. So good. Tangy, tart and sweet. Pretty pink perfection.

These angel food cupcakes are somewhat mini {even though they are baked in a standard muffin pan}. I recommend slathering on the frosting. As you can see below I have a high frosting:cupcake ratio. Has anyone ever complained about too much frosting on their cupcake? Not me.

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